
Terms and Conditions.

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Legal Notices and Disclaimers

All materials on this site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and are the property of Crius Financial Services Corporation. You may view materials located on however, you may not download and/or distribute information contained on this site without prior consent from Crius Financial Services Corporation, via the Chief Executive Officer.

Visitors who use this Website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. Crius is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any other web sites to which we provide a link and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them.

You must not use our website in any way which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the electronic documents and resources provided on this Web site. However, Crius makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding errors or omissions and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of information contained within.

Communications Disclaimer

All communications in the form of e-mails, facsimiles, or voicemails originating from an employee or any automated system of Financial Horizons are intended for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, proprietary, confidential, and exempt from disclosure.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received any communication in error, please notify the sender and destroy the communication immediately.

Although our emails and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by Financial Horizons Inc. for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.

Notice: From time to time, our spam filters block legitimate email. If your email contains important instructions, please ensure that we acknowledge receipt of those instructions.

Privacy Policy - Ten principles of the company

1.1 Accountability

The Company is responsible for personal information in its control. The Company has established privacy policies, procedures and practices, to safeguard such personal information.

1.2 Identifying purposes

The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified by the Company at or before the time the information is collected.

  • Any collection of personal information must relate directly to and be necessary for the administration.
  • The purpose(s) for collecting personal information must be disclosed to the individual at or before the time the information is collected.
  • The department, unit, group, or individual collecting personal information must be fully aware of and able to explain the purpose(s) for the collection, and how the personal information may be used or disclosed.
  • Whether purposes are identified in writing or verbally, it is important to use clear, straightforward language so that individuals will understand why their personal information is being collected.
  • Purposes should be identified in a manner appropriate to the method of collection.

1.3 Consent

The Company collects uses and discloses personal information only with the consent of the clients, or as otherwise allowed by law.

  • The consent principle requires that consent be 'knowledgeable.' This means that when collecting personal information from individuals, the Company must take reasonable measures to inform individuals through the identification of purposes before collecting their personal information.
  • Consent is to be obtained and documented in a manner proportionate to the sensitivity of the information. Accordingly, the form of consent may vary depending on, among other things, the purposes for collection and the sensitivity of the information that is collected.
  • When developing a privacy notice, include all of the purposes for which the Company is collecting the personal information.

1.4 Limiting collection

The Company only collects valuable information that relate to life insurance products or services.

  • This principle requires that collection be limited to what is needed for the identified purposes. It also requires that personal information be collected in an efficient and transparent manner. A 'one stop' system of collection is desirable to prevent multiple collections of information for the same purpose.
  • Individuals must not be asked to supply personal information beyond what is necessary for the identified purpose(s) as a condition for the supply of products or services.

1.5 Limiting use, disclosure and retention

The Company limits the use of personal information by making sure that clients have a choice whether or not they want to be contacted. When a sales representative contacts a client, whether from a personal referral or otherwise, client must be informed of the sales representative's name, what firm the sales representative represents and when asked, how the information was obtained.

  • Limit use and disclosure of personal information to the purpose identified at the time of collection.
  • Any new or additional use or disclosure of personal information will require the identification of the new purpose(s) and further consent.

1.6 Accuracy

The Company uses reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete for the purposes for which it is to be used.

  • When using or disclosing personal information, consider the interests of the individual. If the personal information will be used to make a decision about that individual, the information needs to be accurate and complete.
  • The Company shall not routinely update personal information unless it was collected for a purpose that requires its continual use. This also includes information that is disclosed to third parties.

1.7 Safeguards

The Company protects the security and confidentiality of personal information with safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Personal information must be:

  • Stored in a manner that prevents unauthorized access or destruction.
  • Accessed, used and disclosed in a manner that is consistent with the identified purpose(s) and does not extend beyond the intended access, use and disclosure.
  • Destroyed in a manner that prevents disclosure.
  • Protection includes employing both physical and technological measures to ensure that personal information is protected against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  • The level of protection must be in proportion and appropriate to the sensitivity of the information and the circumstances of its collection, use and disclosure. For example, a name and telephone number is not "sensitive" personal information on a routine calling list. However, the same name and telephone number would require a high level of protection in the context of a workplace harassment investigation.

Methods of protection may include:

  • locked filing cabinets
  • responsible use of laptops, PDA's and other electronic storage devices
  • passwords and encryption
  • limiting access to personal information on a need-to-know basis
  • supervised shredding

1.8 Openness

The Company shall make its policies and procedures about how it manages personal information readily available.

It should not provide barriers to access - if an individual is making a request to know about the organization's information handling practices, the request should be done without an unreasonable effort.

1.9 Individual access

The Company must ensure personal information being requested is made known to the client. Individual who receive access to lists are required to comply with The Company's Privacy Policy. Upon written request, an individual shall be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to that information. An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

  • Individuals have the right to access their personal information
  • Subsequent to accessing and reviewing their personal information, an individual may request revisions.


The Company may deny access to some personal information for a number of reasons.

For example, a request may be denied if information is solicitor-client privileged or if by granting access it would reveal confidential commercial information.

If the Company denies access to personal information, it must notify the individual of the reason for doing so and it must be a legitimate reason allowable by privacy legislation.

The Company should also provide the individual information about their complaint procedures or how to contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if the individual wishes to file a complaint about the denied access request.

1.10 Challenging compliance

Our employees and representatives are trained to respond to your questions or concerns about personal information. Should you be unsatisfied with our employee's or representative's response, you may contact the Compliance Officer at the address mentioned below.

Carol Chu

Compliance Officer

Crius Financial Services Corp.

2400 - 4750 Kingsway

Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2

Telephone: 604-438-3699

Fax: 604-438-3690


A complaint concerning the protection of personal information should be addressed to the Compliance Officer at the address provided above.

Note: Any concern, inquiry or request related to privacy should be made in writing. Please Contact the Company Compliance Officer for more information.